Skopje, January 26 (MIA) - Professor of law Gjorgje Ivanov is the VMRO-DPMNE candidate for the forthcoming presidential elections. He was elected at a Sunday party convention by 1.016 delegates, whereas the second candidate Todor Petrov - president of the World Macedonian Congress - was supported by 91 delegates.
After officially becoming VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate, Ivanov told the media his campaign will be exactly as his character - humble and honest.
- I'm kick-starting a campaign where I will be presenting the positions of those who are independent, of those parts of the society that cannot be promoted, the civil sector, intellectuals...Everything that needs to be said will be covered during the campaign, said Ivanov.
Addressing the party delegates, Ivanov expressed gratitude for their huge support.
- VMRO-DPMNE has the strength to unite and to bring the people together. This Government, led by Nikola Gruevski, has managed to unite those around it and to create an ambient where each one of us is feeling as united Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, Vlach...It is a great honour to be a candidate of this party, but also a great responsibility, said Ivanov.
Convinced in the power of the latest generation of politicians, who "change the ambient in Macedonia", he urged their ideas to be backed.
- I cannot help but notice that something is being changed in Macedonia. It implies that hope, faith and optimism are taking the stage. Therefore, a president is needed that will unite us in the coming period, Ivanov stated.
Earlier, VMRO-DPMNE leader and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski speaking before 1.143 delegates said that party and Government's priority is fair and democratic elections.
Macedonia, he added, needs a president that will be stable, honest and sensible, a man who has succeeded on his own, without lies and intrigues.
Turning to the previous presidential elections, he stressed that Branko Crvenkovski won the elections with fraud, thus underestimating the people. According to Gruevski, Crvenkovski during his mandate has failed to solve the key issues for Macedonia.
The Republic of Macedonia, he pointed out, faces many challenges, first and foremost in the field of foreign affairs, where the future president will be sharing responsibilities with the Government."
Furthermore, Gruevski said that due to the embargo imposed by Greece regarding Macedonia's NATO and EU aspirations, the country is enduring great damages. - A solution must be found that will not cause any further damages. The pressure will increase. The ongoing row is in its most critical stage. The identity and nation that were built through many centuries and the country that we have created are bounding us to be more careful, underlined Gruevski.
Gjorgje Ivanov and Todor Petrov at the beginning of the convention presented their programs.
The leaders of DOM, Democratic Alliance, Socialist Party and the Association of Romas - Liljana Popovska, Pavle Trajanov, Ljubisav Ivanov and Amdi Bajram respectively - were also in attendance at the convention.