PM Gruevski: We invest maximum efforts for EU accession, citizens should not be underestimated

Skopje, 28 May 2010 (MIA) - Certain structures within the EU should not have wrong feelings whether we sincerely aspire for EU accession, since we do this to the maximum and there should be doubts, said Friday Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, adding the opinion of Macedonian citizens regarding the name issue should not be underestimated.

PM Gruevski commented on yesterday's warning by Macedonian Rapporteur, MEP Zoran Thaler there was an emerging feeling in Brussels that "maybe Macedonia does not see any interest in EU accession, but this is a facade for some other interests".

"If such feelings are truly emerging, I believe they are wrong. Thaler also questioned our efforts. We are investing maximum efforts and there should be no doubts in this regard", added Gruevski.

Following the "Dnevnik" survey over the resistance by majority of respondents for continuation of the name talks, as well as the messages by EU ambassador Erwan Fouere and Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele that the Government should work more on explaining all aspects of the name issue, PM Gruevski urged that positions of Macedonian citizens are not underestimated.

"I heard this resistance is credited to the Government, i.e. VMRO-DPMNE. I would say that citizens should not be underestimated, because they do not easily succumb to what one or two people say", he assessed.

Asked about the name issue, the PM said it was not a problem created yesterday or in the past four years.

"This is a 20-year-long issue and Macedonian citizens are well acquainted with its segments and details. The citizens' opinion has not been built in the past three years, so they should not be underestimated by saying 'the government said this and you should think in this way'. This is underestimation", underlined PM Gruevski.

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