Macedonian language institute addresses Fouere through open letterSkopje, 18 November 2010 (MIA) - Macedonian language institute "Krste Misirkov" addressed Thursday EU ambassador Erwan Fouere through an open letter over adjective Macedonian in the Macedonian language syntagm.
"As people, Macedonians and members of a scientific institution competent for nurturing of our beautiful Macedonian language, we feel committed to express our pain and concern over the attitude of the European Union towards our existence, culture and language", reads the letter.
It says the institution expects ambassador Fouere to commit towards defending the Macedonian language, as well as "the absurd situation we are in, where our elementary rights are denied".
The Institute stresses that Fouere comes from a nation that is sensitive towards similar issues.
"Did the Irish language cease to exist with the 1366 Statutes of Kilkenny that ban its use? Fortunately, it did not. We are deeply convinced that the existence of the Macedonian language, spoken for centuries in our country, and recognized by that name in all scientific-linguistic circles, cannot be erased with one document and will always be an inseparable part of our identity", reads the letter.