Skopje, February 26 (MIA) - Representatives from the State Election Commission, the judiciary, prosecution office and the Interior Ministry discuss the ways on how to better respond to potential irregularities during the electoral process, at the roundtable supported by the OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje, taking place, today.
The project which is also supported the domestic Foundation Open Society Institute FOSIM and implemented by the Coalition All for fair trials, is designed to contribute towards fair and democratic electoral process and respect of rule of law in the country.
“It’s good that this event coincides with the pre-election period because it gives us the opportunity to emphasize the importance of proper institutional responses to election irregularities,” said Lisa Tilney, Mission’s Head of Rule of Law Department.
The forum participants address institutional responses against all kind of violations of the electoral process, and will also tackle the issues of family and proxy voting and the role of women in the elections.